

Facts Fantasy is a collection of stories from a different perspective.

It is a fair reflection of what kept and still keeps me busy

Overviews of the trade and commerce of countries where I have worked or lived or have a special interest in.

An update of the book I wrote -together with business partner and friend Vinod Sharma- for companies in emerging countries that seek to enter the European market

Valuemagics, a road map from cost to value

A hobby that got out of hand: statistics. This time about 2000+ flights, aircraft, airlines etc.

For more than 12 centuries, the country has been the scene of wars between great powers. And now, once again, it is they who decide the future of Ukraine, which is not for nothing called "borderland".

OneFormula includes

The fascinating story of my in-laws' odyssey. From Spain via Portugal, Amsterdam, Manhattan, Brazil and the Antilles to Latin America - and back again.